News archive - Call for Input for the Sixth JTEL Summer School

The organisers of the sixth JTEL Summer School ( call upon interested researchers to provide input, such as lectures or workshops, at the sixth JTEL Summer School for PhD students working in the disparate
fields of Technology Enhanced Learning.

Deadline: March 12, 2010.

The JTEL summer schools usually attract about 80 researchers, providing an exciting forum for cross-disciplinary dialogue, fostering new research collaborations and partnerships, and an opportunity for the next generation of TEL researchers to gain insight from leading experts in the field. This year’s Summer School will take place from June 6 – 12 in Ohrid, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Lectures and workshops will be organised within the framework of three Grand Challenges:
• Connecting learners
• Orchestrating learning
• Contextualising learning environments

If you would like to contribute to the summer school programme, please send the following information, by March 12 2010, to

• Short description: One paragraph to 1/2 page, to include an outline of your proposed topic area and an indication of the contribution the session will make to the Grand Challenges agenda of the summer school.
• Short biography of the lecturer or workshop organiser: 10 lines maximum, including link to homepage
The programme committee will contact you to negotiate how your proposed contribution could be tailored to fit into the programme.

Source: Email by the organisers.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 10, 2010
Modified on March 10, 2010