News archive - [Event Announcement] 2nd European Academy in Albania

Based on the success of the first edition of European Academy in 2009, the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) is organising the second session of the European Academy 2010 to take place from May 10 to 14 2010 in Tirana, Albania.

Application deadline: April 30, 2010

The curriculum, designed and taught by renowned experts, will focus on four main areas listed below. The general orientation of the sessions will be to teach and discuss the relevance of each area for Albania's key requirements and challenges in the EU integration process, the rule of law in particular:

- History of European Union – the legal basis (thee treaties)
- European Union Institutions – focus on law-makinng
- European Union Policies – focus on EU Foreign Policy and its legal basis, and Freedom Security and Justice
- Albania-EU relations – focus on the acquis and approximation, and Albania's challenges in strengthening the rule of law.

Target group:
The call is open to Albanian citizens from public administration, the media, civil society and academia whose work and/or studies relate to EU Law, law-making, law approximation and similar aspects, preferably lawyers and law students.

Application requirements:
- University diploma (preferably in the social sciences
- Letter of motivation
- Knowledge of English is advantageous

Contact: Application materials, as well as questions, should be directed to:

Adela Halo,  Albanian Institute for International Studies

Tel: +355 4 2248 853, Fax: +355 4 2270 337

The European Academy is organised with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and the Embassy of Spain in

From: 10 May 2010
To: 14 May 2010

Geographical focus
  • Albania

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 13, 2010
Modified on April 13, 2010