News archive - Update: Lifelong Learning Programme: open for Western Balkan countries

The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) is also open for participation from Western Balkan countries! A general call for proposals 2007 is now open.
The main deadlines are: Erasmus University Charter, February 28, 2007; Jean Monnet Programme, March 15, 2007; Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, March 30, 2007; and Transversal Programme and Accompanying Measures, April 30, 2007.

News published October 30, 2006

On October 25, 2006, the European Parliament adopted the Commissions’ proposal for the action programme in the field of education and training, which covers learning opportunities from childhood to old age. Almost seven billion euro are allocated to support projects and activities in the period between 2007 and 2013. They shall enable individuals in schools, universities and companies across Europe (including the Western Balkan countries) to participate in one of the sub-programmes that enhance trans-national mobility, promote bilateral and multilateral partnerships, or improve quality in education and training systems.

The programmes are also aimed at research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning, higher education institutions, etc.
The decision is expected to enter into force in December 2006. The first call is presumably going to be launched in February 2007 with a deadline in March/April 2007.

The common position and proposal can be downloaded from the Document Service section doc/500.html.

Update on February 5, 2007

The deadlines are out now (see teaser above), more information is available on

Entry created by Elke Dall on February 5, 2007
Modified on October 31, 2006