News archive - [Event Announcement] Regional eLeadership Workshop, Sarajevo (June 28)

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is to host a two-day regional eLeadership workshop, co-organised with the eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans of the United Nations Development Programme. The event will deliver several training sessions, aimed at strengthening capacities of South East Europe (SEE) e-Leaders.

In order to assist e-Leaders in implementing reforms and e-government systems, the first session will focus on lobbying and persuading of information and communication technologies (ICT) benefits.

The next session will address fundamentals of change management techniques to ensure proper utilization of the ICT. Building collaboration among SEE countries through a joint development of regional information society programmes will also be addressed.  Finally, e-inclusion as a very important and sensitive topic will be further elaborated.

A side meeting will bring together eSEE Initiative government representatives and eSEE Secretariat, along with the RCC, to discuss preparations for the forthcoming eSEE ministerial conference planned for autumn 2010.

From: 28 June 2010
To: 29 June 2010

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 16, 2010
Modified on June 16, 2010