News archive - [Event Announcement] Triple Helix VIII Conference - Call for Papers and Workshops Proposals

The Triple Helix VIII Conference will deal with the triple helix in the development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities and Connecting Regions”. The Triple Helix approach is based on the perspective of University as a leader of the relationship with Industry and Government, to generate new knowledge, innovation and economic development. Conference papers must be sent formally until February, 15.

Submissions on Triple Helix related topics are encouraged and shall focus on the following subthemes:

  • S1 Economic growth and social development in knowledge-based cities and connecting regions: challenge and future
  • S2 Triple Helix study
  • S3 Triple Helix in action: unlocking economic and social crises
  • S4 University in regional innovation and social development
  • S5 Government and public policy in the Triple Helix era
  • S6 Enterprises and industrial development in a knowledge-based city or region

All the submissions will be evaluated in a blind review by a Scientific Committee composed by international specialists in innovation management and regional development. Part of them will be accepted for parallel sessions. Others will be suggested for poster presentations.


  • Extended abstract submission: until February 15th, 2010 (upload on the conference website only)
  • Notice of acceptance: April 20th, 2010
  • Full paper submission (including profiles & registration): September 1st, 2010
  • Conference: October 20-22, 2010

For further information on the call for papers, please have a look at the conference website.

Conference Chairmen are also open to receive proposals for Thematic Workshops. These workshops will consist of four papers in specific Triple Helix topics lead by a Coordinator. This proposal has a free format and must be sent formally until February, 15.


Conference website:

Conference date:
From: 20 October 2010
To: 22 October 2010

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 3, 2010
Modified on February 3, 2010