News archive - CfA: MASTER OF ARTS Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe

The international Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES) is a Second cycle Joint Degree (120 ECTS), conferred by the University of Bologna (Forlì Campus), the Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, the Corvinus University of Budapest, and the Saint-Petersburg State University. The program is jointly carried out with the cooperation of the University of Ljubljana.

MIREES is an innovative graduate programme, taught entirely in English , unique in Italy and Europe, devoted to students that have a BA background in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Agricultural or Cultural studies at large, and would now like to acquire a specialized, in-depth knowledge of the Post-socialist Countries in transition, the new EU member States after the Enlargements of 2004 and 2007, as well as the New East-European Neighbour Countries.

MIREES combines an academic approach with professional training, forging potential insightful consultants, analysts, and managers as Area Experts for international agencies, public administrations, private and public companies, and NGOs, while also offering a solid basis for further academic studies at the PhD level.

The programme produces graduates who are able to analyse, interpret, assess and manage problems concerning the international dimension particularly of political, economic and social phenomena in Eastern Europe.

For this purpose, the programme includes learning activities in linguistics, economics, politological, historical and cultural studies, which are mutually integrated to provide an in-depth preparation on the operations of political, social and economic systems in the countries of Eastern Europe and their role in the international context.

The programme includes an obligatory period of international mobility (6 months), not only to enhance the learning value of the whole 2nd cycle degree programme through the attendance of (linguistic and subject-related) course units with their relative tests, but also for field research which the students will implement in preparation of their dissertations.

Admission requirements for prospective students are as follows:

  • a First Cycle Degree (or a certificate of study obtained abroad and recognised as being suitable), in one of the following disciplinary fields: Law, Economics, Social Sciences, Humanities and Agriculture;
  • knowledge of English language;
  • essentials computer science skills.

Two evaluation sessions are scheduled: the first one, with deadline May, 16th 2011, is open to all candidates; the second one, with deadline September, 19th 2011 is only for EU students and non-EU students with equivalent status. Detailed information regarding the application procedure and documents to submit will be explained in the forthcoming call for applications. Anyhow, candidates will be requested to send the following documents:

  • Application form and programme proposal, downloadable from the on-line system as soon as the call for applications is launched;
  • Copy of the graduation certificate, with the full transcript of all exams passed, with results, issued and certified by the University where the degree was obtained, together with a back-and-front photocopy of the identity document and the student's statement that it is a faithful copy of the original;
  • Detailed English-written CV;
  • English language certificate;
  • Attestation of essential computer skills;
  • Two letters of introduction written in English by academics or, if the applicant belongs to an institution, by the institution's managers.

Read and download the call for application or get access to all other necessary documents to apply to MA MIREES from:


Ms Elisa Landi
Degree programme secretariat
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
tel.: +39.0543.374149

Ms Elisa Grandi
Mirees tutor

Source:, as accessed on April 5, 2011.

Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 5, 2011
Modified on April 4, 2011