News archive - Event Announcement: Workshop on the Croatian RTD Potential: Rudjer Boskovic Institute

Croatian Chamber of Economy is organising a "Workshop on the Croatian RTD Potential: Rudjer Boskovic Institute" on July 9, 2008 The event will take place at Representative Office of the Croatian Chamber of Economy.

The RBI is the largest Croatian research centre for basic sciences, participating also in science applications and higher education. With a total of 841 employees and academic staff of 581, including 362 researchers and 219 Ph.D. students, the RBI collaborates worldwide with many research institutions and universities.

In the attachments the agenda and short profile of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute are enclosed.

Please reply until July 2 to, fax: +32 2 512 17 85 or call +32 2 234 39 20

The event starts at 14:30 on July 9 and takes place at the Chamber of Economy Brussels Office, Av. Palmerston 2, Brussels.

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 24, 2008
Modified on June 24, 2008