News archive - Ideal-ist Matchmaking - Now Open For Partner Searchers Related to the 6th ICT Call

Within the past five ICTCalls in FP7, Ideal-ist has generated more than 19,300 responses of interest . More than 50 responses were launched for each Partner Search. Ideal-ist is now open for partner searches relating to the
sixth call in the 7th Framework Programme.

A recently published evaluation report by Ideal-ist, the worldwide ICT support network, demonstrates that a high interest among European and Non-European participants is shown in the electronic partner search system implemented and supported by Ideal-ist and its Quality team.

Success rate: Close to 100 Percent

In the first two years, a success rate of almost 100% could be observed. This means almost every proposer who launched a partner search via Ideal-ist, found a key partner for their project. On average, 80 % of the partner searches finally submitted a proposal and out of this 33% scored above all evaluation thresholds. Approximately 11 % of these were retained for funding with an average score of 11.5 points.

Please click here to find ICT partners, services, news or events.

For further enquiries, please contact:
Ideal-ist 2011 c/o Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Susanne Formanek
Phone: +43 (0) 5 7755-4204

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 10, 2009
Modified on December 10, 2009