News archive - Debiopharm Life Sciences Award 2011 in the Field of Cancer Research

In 2011, the Debiopharm Life Sciences Awards will honour a European investigator below the age of 45 who has made outstanding contributions in the field of cancer research, more precisely in the area of basic or translational oncology. It will be granted on September 9 in Lausanne, Switzerland, on the occasion of the Annual EPFL Life Sciences Symposium "Hallmarks & Horizons of Cancer" to be held 7-10 September 2011.

Candidates are invited to submit their applications no later than May 1, 2011.

It consists of a total of 50‘000 CHF (around 39.000 Euros), of which one fifth is a personal award, while the rest will contribute to support the awardee’s research at his/her home institution.

Candidates are invited to submit their applications no later than May 1, 2011. A Jury of internationally renowned scientific experts will evaluate the applications.

The dossier should be comprised of:

  • a one-page endorsement letter by the home institute describing the importance of the nominee’s contribution to this field
  • her/his curriculum vitae,
  • her/his list of publications,
  • a one-page outline of her/his plans for future research.

All dossiers are to be sent, exclusively in electronic format and in the form of one single pdf file to


Source and further information:

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 20, 2011
Modified on March 15, 2011