News archive - Call for Proposals for ESF Exploratory Workshops

Each year the European Science Foundation (ESF) supports approximately 50 Exploratory Workshops across all scientific domains. The focus of the scheme is on meetings aiming to open up new directions in research or to explore emerging research fields with potential impact on new developments in science.

Deadline for receipt of proposals: April 29, 2010 (16:00 CET)

Proposals should demonstrate the potential  for initiating follow-up research activities and/or developing future collaborative actions. Interdisciplinary topics are encouraged.
ESF Exploratory Workshops awards are intended for small, interactive and output-oriented discussion meetings of minimum 15, maximum 30 participants and up to a maximum value of 15,000 EUR.

Awards are for workshops to be held in the calendar year 2011 (1 February - 31 December).

Full details are available at

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 13, 2010
Modified on April 13, 2010