News archive - Event Announcement: Kick off Event of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme

The official launch of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme will take place in Budapest on March 27-28, 2008.

During the launch event, programme stakeholders and potential partners, representing national, regional and local authorities, regional development agencies, and other actors, will have the opportunity to meet, share their visions for the programme area and develop project ideas.

The event will be opened by Gordon Bajnai, Hungarian Minister for Regional Development and Danuta Hubner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy.

The kick off event will combine the official, general dimension with a more practical, technical one.

The first day comprises a part dedicated to the presentations of the stakeholders and a part dedicated to the presentation of the programme itself (history, evolution, current status, expectations). The plenary sessions will feature representatives from the European Commission, the partner states and the international organizations.

The second day is dedicated to workshops dealing with more specific, technical aspects related to the implementation of the programme and its four priorities. Information regarding the first call for proposals will be provided at the event.

Further information:
Deadline for registration is March 20, 2008.

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 8, 2008
Modified on March 8, 2008