News archive - CESS Magazine publishes several issues on competitiveness

The Center for Strategic Economic Studies Vojvodina CESS is publishing a magazine dedicated to regional development. CESS magazine informs the scientific public, decision makers and businessmen about economic aspects of regional policy, as well as models and instruments of regional development in EU countries, CEE countries and in the West Balkans.

In recent months, several interesting issues covering issues such as Competitiveness, Regional Development, Infrastructure, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Human Resources. The current issue deas with Energy, covering e.g. an interesting article on funds for financing of projects in the field of renewable sources of energy.

As accessed on November 15, 2010, the following issues are available (see CESS website for updates!)


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    Energy (21-22)


    Radoslav Strikovic, Head of the Provincial Secretary for Energy and Mineral Resources of the Governement of AP Vojvodina:

    The road is not easy, but we do not stop!


    Aleksandar Kovacevic, consultant of energy issues:

    Possibilities for development of new economy


    Aleksandar Macura, consultant on energy and environmental protection:

    Funds for financing of projects in the field of renewable sources of energy

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    Investments (20)


    Kjell-Morten Johnsen, president of the Managing Board of the Foreign Investors Council in Serbia:

    You have to harmonise the laws and regulations with the European ones!


    PhD Miroslav Prokopijevic, president of the Free Market Centre in Belgrade:

    We have to reform the state!


    Branislav Bugarski, director of Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund - VIP:

    We have reason to race with the countries in the region

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    Competitiveness of local self-governments (18 -19)


    Vladimir Gligorov, PhD, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies:

    I still cannot see where the growth could come from!


    Jovica Djukic, MA, Member of the Government of Vojvodina in charge of finances:

    Accurate budget reduces possibilities for abuse


    Vladan Jeremic, Director of RARIS (RDAES) - Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia:

    RARIS - a new regional brand of Eastern Serbia

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    Competitiveness (16-17)


    Prof Ilija Cosic, PhD, Dean of Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad:

    Our locomotive has languished a bit


    Goran Radman, member of the National Competitiveness Council of Croatia:

    The ineficcient institutions are the key problem


    Mike Alderson, Tessedik Samuel College, Szarvas, Hungary:

    HELP for Competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe

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    Strategic planning in function of regional development (No.15)

    Klaus Kapper, Head of Office of the Austrian Development Cooperation in Serbia:

    Support to path towards the EU


    Dr Branko Grčić, Dean of Faculty of Economics in Split

    We have incapacitated the national level, but not the regional and local


    Prof. Dr Branislav Djurdjev, Vice-rector in charge of international co-operation of the Novi Sad University

    "Regional Policies and Development" master studies in compliance with the EU standards

  • mag-13-14-EN.jpg
    Globalization and region (No. 13 - 14)


    Simon Gray, WB country manager in Serbia:

    Investing in infrastructure - strenthening competitiveness


    Slavoj Zizek, philosopher:

    Mick Jagger of the world philosophy


    Jelica Minic, Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Co-operation Council:

    Regionalism and globalization


    Boris Vujcic, Deputy Hovernor of the National Bank of Croatia:

    Croatia's response to the financial crisis

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    Infrastructure (No. 12)


    Vladimir Gligorov:

    Public-private partnership - PPP


    Radimir Cacic:

    Project-oriented public administration


    Hildegard Gacek:

    Infrastructure - transition acceleration factor

  • mag-10-11-EN.jpg
    Entrepreneurship and SMEs (No. 10 - 11)


    Istvan Pasztor:

    Small ones for the big ones


    Dejan Jovanovic:

    SMEs - pillars of economic development


    Prof. dr Fuada Stankovic:

    New knowledge is at the University


  • mag-9-EN.jpg
    Human Resources (No. 9)


    Prof. dr Radmila Marinkovic - Neducin:

    Education as investment


    Prof. dr Mojmir Mrak:

    More active you are - more you will get


    Franz Fischler:

    Agriculture and regional development - experiences in Austria

  • mag-8-EN.jpg
    Urban development (No. 8)


    Danuta Hubner:

    Regional knowledge economies - the key for future sustainable growth and employment


    Prof. dr Goran Milicevic:

    Urban development - the greatest challenge of modern civilization


    Prof. dr Ljubinko Pusic:

    Urban development as a pattern of development of a society


  • mag-7-EN.jpg
    Rural development (No. 7)


    Prof. dr Nebojsa Novkovic:

    Countryside is not agriculture alone!


    Prof. dr Sandor Somogy:

    Food on the tray of transition


    Goran Vasic:

    State assistance at a regional level


  • mag-6-EN.jpg
    Regional development and innovation (No. 6)


    Prof. dr Dragoslav Petrovic:

    Strategy of European colours


    Dr Dragan Djuricin:

    We do not have the properties of an innovative society


    Jasminka Kronja:

    Lisbon Strategy

  • mag-5-EN.jpg
    Local capacities for regional development (No. 5)


    Dr Vladimir Gligorov:

    Europe will wait, but it will cost us


    Goran Jesic:

    Indjija to Indija


    Gordana Lazarevic:

    Strategy and plan


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    Sustainable development, ecology, energy (No. 4)


    Dr Sasa Dragin:

    Environmental hot spots as targets


    Stein Erik Vellan:

    You must have a long term strategy


    Dr Miroslav Kopecni:

    Winpark of Gising

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    CESS magazine (No. 3)


    Mladjan Dinkic:

    Our objective is regionalization that will not annoy anyone


    Dr Miroslav Prokopijevic:

    Regionalization is a development tool


    MSc Vladimir Medjak:

    Introduction of Nomenclature of Territoral Units (NUTS) in Serbia


    Prof. dr Horvath Gyula:

    Hungarian steps in regionalization


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    CESS magazine (No.2)


    Valentina Ivanic:

    Getting submarine ready to take off?!


    Prof. dr Branislav Djurdjev:

    NUTS is a new European statistical framework


    Dr MIladin Kovacevic:

    Vojvodina is going to be a separate statistical segment?


    Bernard O' Sallivan:

    Danube Serbia: A European growth region of the future

  • mag-1-EN.jpg
    CESS magazine (No. 1)


    Dr Bojan Pajtic:

    With the first issue of CESS magazine


    Istvan Pasztor:

    Integrated Regional Development Plan of AP Vojvodina


    Prof. dr Kosta Josifidis:

    Decentralization increases efficiency



Geographical focus
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 17, 2010
Modified on November 17, 2010