News archive - IPR-helpdesk launches new FP7 and CIP website

The IPR-Helpdesk has introduced a new layout to provide help with the management of intellectual property (IP) issues of EU-funded projects.

There are two icons in the centre of the screen: CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) and FP7. The links to these programmes provide information on IP related aspects of FP7 (e.g. ownership; access rights; use and dissemination; and legislation) and CIP (IP management in CIP funded projects; legislation; and grant agreement).

On the left-hand side of the screen you find links to IPR archives of the previous framework programmes as well as a link to the IPR Helpdesk. This side also provides access to a series of online modules on Intellectual Property and the EU-funded programmes for research and innovation. The modules are interactive and enable you to circulate freely among the slides so you can repeat some sections and skip others if necessary. This is a good way to familiarise yourself with the rules. The module currently available on the website is entitled ‘IP in FP7: An overall introduction to the general IP regime applicable to collaborative projects’. The right-hand side of the screen aims to keep visitors informed on general developments in EU innovation and research policies.

Further information
The new IPR-Helpdesk website is available at:


Source: RTD Insight, December 2008.

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Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 2, 2008
Modified on December 2, 2008