News archive - Research in Industry and Academia Grant Currently Open
The “Research in Industry and Academia” Grant is a Croatian grant aiming at increasing mobility of young scientists and experts between academia and Croatian industry as well as to strengthen long-term cooperation between two sectors. The grant supports engagement of excellent young researchers and professionals in Croatian enterprises. Eligible candidates shall come from Croatian public scientific institutions or Diaspora and have MSc. or PhD degree. In addition, grant supports engagement of excellent young researchers and professionals in Croatian public scientific institutions. Eligible candidates shall come from Croatian industry and have MSc. or PhD degree.
The grant is aimed for co-financing of salaries of young researchers and professionals, who will work on research and developmental projects in Croatian companies or in public scientific institutions.
The projects should contribute to:
(1) creating/improving of the new product/process/service;
(2) increase of competitiveness of Croatian economy through development of new hi-tech solutions;
(3) joint participation of industry and academia in international or European R&D projects.
All companies with head office in Croatia and public scientific institutions may apply if they fulfill requirements from this Call. Guarantee for co financing shall be provided by a company.
Total individual grant cannot be higher than 288 000 HRK and proposed projects can last between 6 and 24 months.
This grant is opening new opportunities for cooperation between academia and industry, foster the exchange of people and ideas, advance innovations within industrial R&D projects and develop highly skilled professionals.
For further information, please go to:
, as accessed on June 24, 2009.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on June 24, 2009
Modified on June 24, 2009