News archive - SEE Programme: 4th Call!
The SEE Programme will open its last call allowing the submission of proposals in all the Programme Priorities and Areas of Intervention (AoI) - including the one on INNOVATION. The 4th and last call for project proposals is foreseen to open in week 41 (October 10, 2011) and to close in week 47 (between 21-25 November 2011).
Pre-registration of Lead Participants (which is compulsory) is already open!
The following documents have already been published:
- SEE 4th Call pre-announcement: summarizing the main elements of the call (projects' duration, funds available, etc.);
- SEE Programme Manual 4th Call (pre-announcement version 4.1): providing a detailed guidance on how to prepare the project proposal and the characteristics the proposals submitted under this call should have;
- SEE 4th Call Application Form: which is the reporting all the data that will have to be collected and submitted via the Programme web based monitoring system (IMIS) once the call will be officially open (beginning October 2011).
Further to the above mentioned, in order to steer and guide the project generation process towards achieving the Programme objectives the SEE management bodies, with the support of selected experts, prepared a "Background Study" which analyses the programme results achieved so far as well as the current programme strategy in light of Innovation Union and the European Strategy for the Danube Region.
Source: SEE-Programme website, see
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
Entry created by Elke Dall on September 26, 2011
Modified on June 23, 2011