News archive - South East European Public-Private Partnership Network launched in Sarajevo

The South East European Public-Private Partnership (SEE PPP) Network was launched in Sarajevo last Monday, under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat.

Janez Potočnik

The network, established at the Ministerial Conference on Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development in Southeast Europe held in Sarajevo on 25 September 2009, is intended to coordinate the regional exchange of knowledge and expertise on PPPs, support the assessment of South East Europe’s PPP enabling environment and propose measures for its further development and harmonisation.

The event was co-organised by the RCC Secretariat and the Agency for Public Private Partnerships of the Republic of Croatia, which serves as a provisional Secretariat of the SEE PPP Network. The objective of this first working meeting of the Network was to bring together PPP practitioners from SEE and build an agreement on the interest in supporting PPP implementation of select cross-border projects.

Source: RCC.


Geographical focus
  • SEE
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 2, 2009
Modified on December 2, 2009