News archive - EU Prepares to Lift Visa Obligations on Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Commission is preparing to table proposals on June 2 to lift visa requirements for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos.

Speaking in Sarajevo yesterday (7 April), Moratinos said he was confident that the proposals would be unveiled during a conference on the Western Balkans, to be held on 2 June in the Bosnian capital. The visit took place as part of the joint European and American strategy to help bring about stability in Bosnia and the whole Balkan region.

"The goal of the EU is to create a basis upon which we can operate following the elections. Bosnia and Herzegovina must prepare itself for the process of becoming a member of the EU, and I think the declaration is a good foundation from which to start", said Moratinos.

Meanwhile, Moratinos said that Spain will do everything it can during its presidency of the EU to ensure the removal of visa requirements for Bosnian citizens. The minister said only a few technical issues were still outstanding: "I am convinced that Bosnia is on the right track, and that when the European Commission meets to discuss this issue on 2 June we will be able to send good news to the people of Bosnia", he added.

Sources: Euractive, Spanish EU presidency.

Geographical focus
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 13, 2010
Modified on April 13, 2010