News archive - [Event Announcement] WBC-INCO.NET Project Workshop to Take Place in Maribor

An WBC-INCO.NET project workshop will take place in Maribor, Slovenia on November 12, 2009 (upon invitation only). 

The function of the Workshop is to review the experiences in the domain of RTD information systems in the Western Balkan Countries, look at some good practice models, and propose how these systems could better contribute to closer integration of their research communities into the process of building the European Research Area and to more effective participation in EU RTD projects.

Source: SBRA/Boris Cizelj.

Event date: 12 November 2009.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 6, 2009
Modified on October 6, 2009