News archive - Invitation to review submitted ideas on world leading innovation

From now until 16 November you are invited to review the submitted and commented thematic ideas for world-leading innovation that integrate education, business and research. Check out the ideation platform of EIT and JRC-IPTS, and give your scores on the posted ideas to support the identification of the most interesting ideas.

You may check out new ideas in the following categories: 

You can review the ideas on the following criteria:

  • Novelty of idea: How novel is the idea?
  • Innovation potential: To what extent the idea has the potential to foster innovation through the integration of education, business and research?
  • Entrepreneurial potential: To what extent the idea has the potential to foster entrepreneurship that leads to the creation of new business?
  • Personal commitment: To what extent would you be willing to commit to participate in implementing this idea?

To start reviewing ideas, click on an idea and then on 'REVIEW'.

Have an idea yourself? You can still add new ones.

You do not have a login yet? Create one here:

The results will support the EIT Governing Board to define the contents of the EIT’s first Strategic Innovation Agenda in 2011 and priority themes after 2013. This specialised survey will be followed by a broader open public consultation on the EIT's Strategic Innovation Agenda in the beginning of 2011.

Please contact us with any questions on this enquiry.


Source: JRC-IPTS foresight team

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 15, 2010
Modified on November 15, 2010