News archive - Public consultation on the FP7 ICT Work Programme 2013 for the Networked Media sector
In the context of the preparation of the ICT Work Programme 2013, the last Work Programme of the Framework Program 7, the Unit INFSO D2 responsible for Networked Media Systems is pleased to launch a web-based Public Consultation, where all interested stakeholders (industry, research centre, academia, SME and user) have an opportunity to influence the definition of the future research priorities in the Networked Electronic Media sector.
You are invited to submit your contributions!
from DG Infso website:
Here you will find a draft document describing our (INFSO D2 Networked Media Systems) initial thoughts on how the forthcoming ICT Work Programme 2013 could address the research and innovation challenges in the sector.
You are kindly invited to comment on any aspects of the above-mentioned document.
To submit a contribution for the consultation, use the specific link of the menu and follow the instructions.
Subsequently, a post-consultation Workshop will be held in Brussels on Friday, 27 January 2012 in order to discuss and validate the views expressed by different actors through the above-mentioned web-based consultation.
One of the goals of the post-consultation Workshop is to further mobilise existing and new stakeholders, in particular from innovative technological SMEs with the aim of enhancing the outcome of ongoing research projects through cross-fertilisation with new stakeholders.
Another important aim is to provide a forum to debate how efficiently and effectively one may build a bridge (as far as the NEM sector is concerned) from the ongoing FP7 ICT Programme towards the new Horizon 2020 Programme, especially considering the innovation aspects of the new Programme.
Workshop Venue
Avenue de Beaulieu 25, 1160, Brussels, BelgiumInvited speakers
Some of the contributors to the web-based public consultation will be invited to present their views in more detail at the post-consultation Workshop on 27 January 2012 in Brussels.
In order to be eligible to come as an "invited speaker", authors must submit contributions through the web consultation by Monday, 16 January 2012.
The selected authors i.e. "invited speakers" will be notified by Friday, 20 January 2012.
To register, use the specific link of the menu and follow the instructions. Participation is free and granted on a first come - first served basis.
Attention! Registration is required only to attend the post-consultation workshop.
Who can attend the workshop?
The workshop is open to the public. However, places are limited due to the venue capacity. No registration fees will be charged, but advance registration is mandatory.Further information:
- International; Other
Entry created by Elke Dall on November 17, 2011
Modified on November 17, 2011