News archive - Update on the Bologna Process

On May 18-19, 2007, the Ministers responsible for Higher Education met in London to review the Bologna process since their last meeting in Bergen, Norway (in 2005). Priorities were set for future work which "London Communiqué" discusses under the title "Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalised world".

In general, the progress made since 2005 was considered to be good, more and more countries are in line with the Bologna objectives, e.g. putting the three-cycle degree system in place.
While progress has generally been good, this has clearly happened at different speeds in different countries and the Bologna Process recommends that all countries should have achieved the goals by 2010.

Report from the London conference:
EC webpage on the Bologna Process:

Report by the European University Association on "Universities shaping
the European Higher Education Area" including a chapter on South East Europe (page 74 and following):

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 27, 2007
Modified on June 1, 2007