News archive - European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Calls for Experts
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has launched a new call for applications from scientists interested to register as experts, who can then be contacted, on an ad-hoc basis, to provide support to the activities carried out by EFSA’s Scientific Committees and Panels, as well as by its networks and working groups. Scientists with relevant expertise are invited to apply.
EFSA welcomes applications from experts in all fields of its remit, such as food and feed safety, nutrition, toxicology, chemistry, animal health and welfare, plant protection and plant health.
Mandatory eligibility criteria: (1) a university degree, or equivalent, in one or more areas of expertise within the remit of EFSA; (2) relevant professional experience i.e. in risk assessment, data collection on biological or chemical hazards, as appropriate; (3) scientific articles published in peer reviewed journals, technical reports and/or other publications relevant to the expertise declared; (4) ability to communicate and work in at least one Community language; and (5) a completed Annual Declaration of Interests. All applicant experts will be informed of the outcome of the validation and eligibility steps.
More information on applying for inclusion on the EFSA database of external scientific experts is available at:
Source: European RTD insight, December 2009.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 2, 2009
Modified on December 2, 2009