News archive - Serbian Citation Index – SCIndeks 1.6. published

The stable version of the Serbian Citation Index (SCIndeks, internally signed as 1.6.), was published at the new permanent address

This extended version contains all papers published from 2002 onwards in more than 350 indexed national professional journals and articles from more than 130 journals are available in Open Access.

SCIndeks is a service of the Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science in cooperation with the National Library of Serbia, financed by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development.

It is a part of the integrated system of bibliographic scientific information of Serbia.

The intensive activities to extend SCIndeks coverage retroactively to the period 2001-2002 for all journals and the period of 1996-2002 for humanities journals, are in due course. Almost half of papers from this period has already been uploaded and are visible in SCIndeks. Journals from the field of social sciences are covered since 1991 previously. The planned total coverage is to be achieved before March 2009.

Version 1.6. is significantly improved in comparison to SCIndeks beta. Through the system of links it is highly integrated with other domestic and international databases, both at the level of articles and references cited.  Registered users have additional services - My SCIndeks.


Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 25, 2008
Modified on November 25, 2008