News archive - 6th European Researchers' Night Includes Events in the WBC

More than 200 events will be held across the European Union and beyond today as part of the sixth annual 'European Researchers' Night', which aims to promote careers in science and research. Around 500,000 people are expected to attend the events, which range from a virtual eco-system disco to laboratory-induced indoor lightning and an exploration of the science – fact and fiction – that lies behind teleportation and invisibility.

Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said: "The Researchers' Nights are a chance for everyone to see Europe's researchers bringing inspiration and imagination to driving progress in areas from fashion to forensics. Events like this - much more than political speeches - show people that science matters, that science changes everyday lives and that science is fun."

Visitors to European Researchers' Night events across Europe will have the chance to handle sophisticated research equipment, meet researchers and enjoy fascinating demonstrations that bring the world of science to life. More than 600 museums, university campuses and laboratories will open their doors to the public.

Events in the WBC

In the WBC, events will take place in Serbia (Novi Sad), Montenegro (various venues) and the FYR of Macedonia (Skopje and Bitola). For further information, please go to the event website and click on the relevant country.


The first European Researchers' Night was organised in 2005. Since then, the number of countries taking part in the initiative has doubled and the number of cities involved has increased tenfold. Last year, 450 000 people attended European Researchers' Night events.

The European Union supports European Researchers' Night through the People Programme. The 2010 events have a budget of € 3.5 million. The European Researchers' Night is managed by the Research Executive Agency (REA).


Agenda of the Researchers' Night events all over Europe:


SourceEuropean Commission.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 24, 2010
Modified on September 24, 2010