News archive - New Scholarship Portal Created

A new web portal on scholarships - including PhD porgrammes - has been created with financial support from the European Commission, under the Lifelong Learning Erasmus programme. So far, the database contains 735 scholarship opportunities with an estimated overall value of 15,6 billion Euros.

This website integrates the funding opportunities for studying, working or performing research in Europe. The portal aims to stimulate and help students worldwide to find and select appropriate scholarships to study in Europe.

The Scholarship portal is a  central European website providing information on scholarships for studying in Europe. It aims to boosts the world-wide visibility of and access to scholarship programmes in Europe, unifies the scattered information on all kinds of funding opportunities (such as grants, fellowships, awards, exchanges, and of course scholarships) and presents scholarship information in a comprehensive, structured and transparent way.

For further information, please visit the scholarship database (link below).

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on September 30, 2010
Modified on September 30, 2010