News archive - BALWOIS 2012 - Call for Abstracts: Abstract submission deadline is POSTPONED to November 20, 2011

BALWOIS 2012, the 5th International Scientific Conference on Water, Climate and Environment, will be held in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia from May 28 to June 2, 2012. A call for abstracts is currently open with the deadline November 20, 2011.

The topics of 5th BALWOIS 2012 International Conference on Water, Climate and Environment on which abstracts and papers may be submitted are :

  • Topic 1 : Climate and Hydrology
  • Topic 2 : Water, Environment and Human Activities
  • Topic 3 : Water Related Risks
  • Topic 4 : Integrated Water Resources Management
  • Topic 5 : Ecohydrology
  • Topic 6 : Computing and Technologies in Water sector

The collection of Academic papers of high scientific level is the main objective of this conference, however presentations of the achievments of Ministries, public institutions, private companies, NGOs and individual experts working in the field are also welcome.

Some instructions about the submission procedure

BALWOIS 2012 is using online Conference management system, therefore you have to :

  1. register yourself at conference web site;
  2.  only after registration you can submit your abstracts via your account (using your username and password).

Instructions about REGISTRATION (opening user account) and SUBMISSION of the abstracts 

1.To REGISTER you have to:

2. To SUBMIT your abstract you have :

  • to use your username and password at to access your account ;
  • to choose "New Submission" ;
  • to fill the form ;
  • to submit the form (abstract).  

3. To MAKE CHANGES (to add more authors, to change the Title or the Text of abstract, etc.) you should:

  • Use your username and password to access your account;
  • Choose « Active submission » ;
  • Click on the Title of the abstract that you want to change;
  • Click on the button EDIT METADATA (somewhere in the middle of the page);
  • After making corrections, click on the button SAVE METADATA."

For more information, please refer to BALWOIS 2012.

Source: Email from BALWOIS Organising Committee

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • Natural Sciences
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 11, 2011
Modified on April 12, 2012