News archive - Two Speeches held by the European Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potočnik, are available for download on the website

In his two speeches on "Opportunities for Montenegro in the European Research Area" and "Progress and the Knowledge Triangle in South Eastern Europe", the Commissioner Janez POTOČNIK stresses the importance of research cooperation between the Western Balkan Countries and the EU.

In his speech "Opportunities for Montenegro in the European Research Area", held at the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Montenegro, Janez Potočnik argues that research cooperation has an important part to play in preparing the ground for accession to the EU and raises the question what changes the association status actually brings to Montenegro.

Furthermore he refers to the importance of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, the Pre-Accession Istrument (IPA), and the Steering Platform for Research in the Western Balkan Countries.

As he sees it: "Science and technology will help Montenegro in its progression as a dynamic and effective state. Education and reform will support Montenegro’s march towards the European Union. Research and innovation will help Montenegro make its contribution to the Europe we are building."

The full speech is available at:


In his second speech "Progress and the Knowledge Triangle in South Eastern Europe" the Commissioner adresses the need to increase efforts on all three fronts of the knowledge triangle: education, research and innovation to increase Europe's competitiveness and speed the transformation into a knowledge-based society. He encouraged the ragion to use education, research and innovation as tools for their own development. 

The commissioner pointed out three vital aspects for strenghtening the research capacities of the WBC: greater research cooperation at regional and European level, designing integrated research policies and modernisation and improvement of research capacity. 

The full speech is available at:

Entry created by Martina Lindorfer on July 29, 2008
Modified on July 29, 2008