News archive - FP7 - External Advisory Groups

The European Commission has set up "External Advisory Groups" for the 7th Framework Programme. On a specific website of the European Commission, you can find information on memberships, mandates and reports.
External Advisory Groups have been set up for:
  • Health
  • Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology
  • Information and Communication technologies
  • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies
  • Energy
  • Environment, Climate change
  • Transport, Aeronautics Input to 2008 Work Programme (PDF: 270kB)
  • Socio economic sciences and the Humanities
  • Space
  • People
  • Research for SMEs - Membership - Mandate
  • Regions of knowledge - Mandate - Report (PDF: 644kB)
  • Research potential - Mandate - Report (PDF: 447kB)
  • Science in Society
  • International co-operation

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 4, 2007
Modified on September 3, 2007