News archive - Financially Sustainable Universities II. European universities diversifying income streams

The European University Association (EUA) today (22nd February) publishes a comprehensive new report on the financial sustainability of European universities, underlining that universities need both sufficient resources, and a long-term planning horizon to invest in their future academic and research activities, and thus to continue fulfilling their role in society.

The report is the outcome of a two-year EC-supported project (European Universities Diversifying Income Streams - EUDIS). Its findings are based on an online survey completed by more than 150 universities across 27 countries, by site visits and by workshops involving a wide range of institutions.

The report gives a detailed description of how European universities are currently financed, and looks into the sector‟s expectations for future evolutions. It also analyses the many different barriers currently preventing universities from pursuing additional income streams (considering internal challenges and external regulatory barriers) and the possible drivers for stimulating „income diversification‟. Importantly, the study reveals that additional funding sources cannot replace sufficient public funding. It concludes with a series of recommendations for creating more sustainable funding models for the future.

For an overview on the reports findings, please also see the presentation "European Universities Diversifying Income Streams" by author Thomas Estermann.

Geographical focus
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 4, 2011
Modified on March 7, 2011