News archive - Croatia to participate in the public health programme

Croatia and the European Commission sign Memorandum of Understanding for participation in the second Community Health Programme - "Together for health".

On 30 September 2008, the Ambassador of Croatia to the EU Mr Branko Baričević and the Director-General of the European Commission Health and Consumers Directorate-General, Mr Robert Madelin sign a Memorandum of Understanding that enables Croatia to participate in the second Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health 2008-2013.

Robert Madelin said "In signing this memorandum, I look forward to Croatia taking an active interest in our health activities and joining the many health networks that serve as points for mutual learning and exchange of good practice."

The Health Programme has a total budget of 321.5 million euros and is intended to finance projects and other actions which contribute to increased solidarity and prosperity in the European Union. The Programme complements, supports and adds value to the policies of the Member States and is part of a broader strategy aimed at improving and protecting public health.

The 3 main objectives of the Health Programme are:

  • improving citizen's health security;
  • promoting health and reducing health inequalities;
  • and generating and disseminating health information and knowledge.

The Health Programme is open to EU Member States and to Third Countries like the European Economic Area, Candidate and Potential Candidate countries as well as European Neighbourhood countries, on condition that for Third Countries, a signed agreement has been established with the European Commission and an annual financial contribution will be paid.

A wide range of organisations can participate in the Community Health Programme:

  • research institutes and universities,
  • public administrations,
  • non-governmental administrations and
  • commercial firms.

The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC) assists with the implementation of the programme.

For further information, please consult our DG Health and Consumers webpages:

arrow Health Programme 2008-2013
arrow Executive Agency for Health and Consumers

discussing group signature branko_madelin




Entry created by Elke Dall on October 2, 2008
Modified on October 27, 2008