News archive - COST open call for proposals - collection date March 2009

COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) has launched a call for proposals on actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal development in Europe.

The next collection date for Preliminary Proposals will be March 27, 2009, 17:00 (Brussels time).

Proposals playing a precursor role for other European programmes and/or initiated by early-stage researchers are especially welcome.

COST is organised in nine broad domains:

  • biomedicine and molecular biosciences
  • chemistry and molecular sciences and technologies
  • earth system science and environmental management
  • food and agriculture
  • forests, their products and services
  • individuals, society, culture and health
  • information and communication technologies
  • materials, physical and nanosciences
  • transport and urban development

Proposers are invited to locate their topic within one domain. However, inter-disciplinary proposals not fitting readily into a single domain are particularly welcome and will be assessed separately.

COST does not itself fund research, but supports networking activities such as meetings, conferences, short-term scientific exchanges and outreach activities. It receives financial support for its coordinating activities under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

Further information:

Source: Official Journal of the European Union
Document Reference:OJ No C 283 of 7 November 2008

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 11, 2008
Modified on November 11, 2008