News archive - Foresight: “The EU and the state of the world in 2025”

You are invited to give your opinion on issues shaping the world by 2025 and the likely implications for European policy making. This work is in line with the European Commission's political agenda for 2009 and complements previous work undertaken by the Bureau of European Policy Advisors and the Commission.

"What is your opinion on the state of the world in 2025 and the policy implications for the EU?"

To participate please follow this link: 

A number of issues shaping the future have been identified from forward looking studies in six areas. You are invited to assess these issues according to three criteria: novelty, probability by 2025 and policy relevance at EU-level.

The results of the online assessment will be used to structure an expert workshop aiming at further debating the state of the world in 2025 and identifying policy actions needed at EU level.

This online assessment will be open until April 14th, 2009.

By participating in this online assessment:

  • you can give your opinion on what should be the priorities for EU policy-making for the future.
  • you will be informed of the outcome of this assessment, if you wish so.
  • you might be invited to the expert workshop where the results will be further discussed, if you state this wish in the survey.

For more information on each of the 6 areas of analysis and how to participate please follow this link: 

Further information on this project or other foresight activities being carried out at JRC-IPTS:



Entry created by Elke Dall on April 3, 2009
Modified on April 3, 2009