News archive - Event Announcement: JRC Enlargement Workshop on Foresight
The workshop titled "Introduction to Foresight as an Instrument for Decision Making" will deal with the following topics:
- Basic concepts and definitions of Foresight
- Rationales and motivations for Foresight
- Evolution of Foresight
- Types of Foresight and outcomes
- Foresight for decision making: is Foresight the right approach?
- Analysis of context and positioning
- Scoping decisions: Focus, Scope, Objectives, Resources, Expected outcomes and users, Time horizon and time frame
- Setting-up a team and a steering board
- Designing a methodology
- Designing participation: selecting and enrolling participants
- Communication strategy
- Main challenges in designing
- Managing time, process and relationships
- Managing participants
- Promoting and disseminating the exercise
- Main challenges in managing and disseminating
The participants to the training course have the opportunity to attend (free of fees) the UNIDO Technology Foresight Summit that will take place in parallel to the Foresight training.
Further information: JRC projects website
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 10, 2007
Modified on July 10, 2007