News archive - [Event Announcement] FP7 - ICT Proposers' Day 2009

The FP7 - ICT Proposers' Day 2009, organised by The European Commission's Information Society and Media Directorate-General, in cooperation with the Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology, will take place on January 22, 2009 in Budapest, Hungary.

The ICT Proposers' Day is a European key networking day in ICT Research and Development. Visitors have the opportunity to build quality partnerships for participating in the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2009-2010 (ICT WP 2009-2010).

The ICT Proposers' Day focuses on mobilising key research actors and firms from all over Europe and from third countries, in particular from neighbouring regions, to collaborate and establish partnerships in ICT research and development. It is a unique opportunity for already existing and future project participants to familiarise themselves with the research challenges and objectives of ICT WP 2009-2010 and to form project consortia for participating in calls for proposals.

Who should attend?

Everyone who is interested in responding to calls for proposals for projects in the field of ICT. Budapest is the right place to bring well targeted ideas and clearly defined cooperation needs together from the research and business sector. Therefore, the Event aims to connect:

  • key industrial and R&D actors,
  • research institutes and universities,
  • large science and technology based multinationals,
  • high-tech SMEs.

About 2500 participants are expected to attend.

Further information is available on the ICT Proposer Day's website. It offers the opportunity to publish your ideas, post your comments, express your interest in the upcoming FP7 ICT calls and to identify the challenges of the work programme 2009 ('2009-2010 priorities')


Have your say at the event – submit a presentation

Commission staff will inform you whether your presentation will be added to the event programme shortly before the event. Invited speakers will be given a 5 minute timeslot in the relevant Objective session at the event. All presentations, selected and non-selected, will be published on this site.

Deadline: January 19, 2009 at 12:00 noon



Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 24, 2008
Modified on November 24, 2008