News archive - Event Announcement: Conference on "Role of National Academies in the 21st Century"

The International conference “Role of National Academies in the 21st Century” will be held on October 10, 2008 in Podgorica, Montenegro. The focus of the conference is National Academies in Central- and Southeast Europe.

The conference will examine how National Academies are preparing to face the challenges of 21st Century. It will show at national level the role, usefulness and potentially unique value-added of National Academies. Furthermore, the conference will demonstrate that regional issues can be successfully addressed through networks of National Academies.

Under the patronage of H. E. Milo Djukanović, Prime Minister of Montenegro, the conference is organised by the Inter-Academy Panel (IAP), Central- and Eastern European Network of academy presidents from the region (CEEN), European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA), The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), South-Eastern European Division of World Academy of Arts and Sciences (WAAS-SEE), Inter-Academy Council for South-Eastern Europe (IAP-SEE), and Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA).

The participants will include senior individuals from National Academies in Europe and the Developing World.

Participation is on invitation.

Contact: Prof. Momir Djurovic, / or Dr. Gilbert Fayl,

Entry created by Elke Dall on September 18, 2008
Modified on September 18, 2008