News archive - EUIMA Calls for Case Studies on Assessing Collaborative Research

EUA has published an open call for universities to contribute with case studies to the identification and sharing of good practice in the development of their collaborative research with external partners. The project will review the current state of play and adequacy of assessment tools and indicators with respect to the various research missions of universities.

The deadline for contributions is November 19, 2010.

The EUIMA project’s focus on collaborative research aims at providing hands-on platforms of mutual exchange showcasing the variety of good practice developed by universities to monitor and expand this activity within their respective socio-economical contexts.

Expressions of interest for case studies should include a reflective approach in describing good practice in setting up, monitoring and developing collaborative research.

EUIMA-Collaborative Research is an EC funded project focusing on the implementation of the European Universities Modernisation Agenda. The project addresses the monitoring, development practices and strategies in collaborative research with external partners.

Specifically, EUA’s focus on collaborative research aims at providing hands-on platforms of mutual exchange showcasing the variety of good practice developed by universities to monitor and expand this activity within their respective socio-economical contexts.

Particular points of interest to be addressed in case studies include:

* setting the right conditions for research collaboration agreements,
* the tracking of collaborative research and its assessment tools,
* the evolution of needs in human resources and institutional evolutions induced by the development of collaborative research in universities

The expression of interest for case studies should include:

* a brief presentation of your institution/infrastructure
* short descriptions of a selection of projects and/or programmes linked to the project’s objectives
* outlines of particular aspects that you would wish to share and discuss with European colleagues

The selection of applications by the project’s steering committee is based on meeting one or several main objectives of the project. Preference will be given to expressions of interest offering a reflective approach in describing good practice in these activities (strategic motivations of choices, issues encountered and the process of addressing them).

The length of the expression of interest should be 3 pages maximum (about 1600 words approximately, Arial 10-type font size).

Please send your expression of interest no later than 19 November 2010 to:

Source and further information: EUA.

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Europe
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Related organisations

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on November 16, 2010
Modified on September 20, 2010