News archive - [Call Announcement] WUS Austria Call for MSDP Applications in Serbia (for development of Labour Market Master Programmes)

In the framework of the Development of Labour Market Relevant Master, PhD and Chair Programs at SEE Universities, Serbian universities are invited to propose labor market oriented modules, which are parts of already accredited study programs at master level. This action will be implemented within the one-year extension of the ongoing “Support to HE in Serbia 2007-2010” project financed by Austrian Development Cooperation.

Name of the programme and of the thematic/horizontal area:
WUS Austria Call for MSDP Applications in Serbia (for development of Labour Market Master Programmes)

Information on funding

FP7 Cooperation

Social studies

Call identifier:

Publication Date:
19/07/2010 00:00

15/09/2010 00:00

Short introduction to the programme / what is it about? How may WBC participate?:

In the framework of the Development of Labour Market Relevant Master, PhD and Chair Programs at SEE Universities, Serbian universities are invited to propose labor market oriented modules, which are parts of already accredited study programs at master level. This action will be implemented within the one-year extension of the ongoing “Support to HE in Serbia 2007-2010” project financed by Austrian Development Cooperation.

Project background and description

In the last three years, WUS Austria has been actively supporting development of six labor market oriented study programs at universities in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Novi Pazar (at master level) covering specific scientific fields, including regional development, university management, electrical engineering, environmental protection in agriculture etc. After having very good experiences with involvement of not only faculties’ and universities’ authorities and governmental institutions, but local labor market partners as well, and having in mind actual needs of Serbian universities in the scope of the ongoing HE reform, WUS Austria decided to slightly modify the MSDP program. Only development of single modules as integral parts of Master study programs will be supported (and by module we mean min. 3 and max. 7 courses). One faculty can apply for the development of several modules (but that means that you should fill-in as many applications as many modules you want to apply for).

This project will focus on:

Strategic support to the development of master programs focusing on (1) labor market demands resulting in practical application of knowledge, (2) Life Long Learning through contemporary educational technologies and methodologies, (3) cooperation with Austrian Universities, (4) Brain Gain effect

Improved curricula in terms of content and methodology

Establishing the connection between universities and the labor market (capacity building for universities to adapt to the needs of the labor market)

Teacher training activities for the introduction of lifelong learning (LLL) concept

Production of teaching material

Modernization of the infrastructure

Motivation of the universities / faculties for more cooperation and networking

The program supports interested faculties adjusting existing Master programs by introducing new or modifying existing modules, the graduates of which are the most needed at the local labor market.

Special effort will be put on developing study modules especially relevant to the labor market and that these modules are adaptable to the needs of LLL. Ideally, in accordance with concrete needs, those modules will be open to the wider public – for adults and students of other faculties wishing to gain qualifications from certain modules.

There are various means of support within this program:

study visits to the relevant EU universities

obtaining of the up-to-date scientific literature

organization of the seminars and teacher training activities

obtaining of the equipment

honoraria for project coordinator and course lecturers


More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):

Important notice: EU (preferably Austrian) university partner is a must, as well as a local labor market partner (company, agency, cluster, governmental or non-governmental institution)

Minimum co-financing: printing of the scripts for each course and 50% of total equipment value.

Project timeframe: September 2010 – June 2011


Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):

To access the programme website, please click here.


Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):

The completed application form needs to be submitted to WUS Austria Belgrade Office BOTH in electronic form and in hardcopy:

1. hardcopy (mail) to:

    WUS Austria Belgrade Office

   Deligradska 22, IV sprat, 11 000 Beograd, Srbija

2. electronic form (e-mail) to:


Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Filiz Hayirli on July 30, 2010
Modified on July 30, 2010