News archive - [Event Announcement & Call for Papers] PANEL: Religion and modernity in ‘Eastern’ Europe
For its conference 'Re-Inventing Eastern Europe' Euroacademia invites submissions for the Panel on 'Religion and modernity in 'Eastern' Europe'. This panel seeks papers that will contribute to the ongoing discussion on the role of religion in ‘Eastern’ Europe. Participation is invited from all social science perspectives.
Description of the Panel
The term Eastern Europe usually encompasses all countries of the former Communist bloc regardless of their geographical position and the analysis of their political and societal development, instead into a broader European discussion, often ends up being framed into debate on the ‘Eastern’ Europe as opposite to the ‘Western’ Europe.
West is thus understood as a moving force for development and enlightenment and has a positive framing while the ‘Eastern’ Europe is often framed as diametrically opposite to the West. This applies to the issue of religion as well because understanding of religion and the role and influence religion should have in the politics and society supposedly differs from the one in the West.
However, is there a unique path the development of religion followed in the ‘Eastern’ Europe? Or, can we research religion in ‘Eastern Europe’ through the theory of multiple modernities offered by S. Eisenstadt and therefore understand the politics and society of ‘Eastern’ Europe as its own path and development of the societies? Or, through the larger Europeanization debate? Or indeed, are we divided between eastern and western civilization practices that included religious aspect as well?
The ideal papers will offer in-depth analysis of the position and role of religion in their respective countries and/or in respect to the wider Europe in an attempt to contribute to finding an answer whether we can indeed talk about the ‘Eastern’ Europe?
Desired topics are invited particularly in the following topics (but are not limited to):
- Comparative perspectives on religious practices between ‘East’ and ‘West’
- The role and influence of religion in the society
- The role and influence of religion in the politics
- Religion and Europeanization
- Religious discrimination
- Religion and education
- Religion and modernization
- Religion and human self-reflexivity
- Religion and nationalism
- Religious myths and memories
Please submit abstracts of less then 300 words by March 20, 2012 to
- Europe
- International; Other
- Western Balkans
- General
- Social Sciences
Entry created by Anngrit Pichler on March 1, 2012
Modified on April 17, 2012