News archive - Consultation on the eHealth Action Plan: Have Your Say by May 25

This second eHealth action plan (eHAP) provides an opportunity to consolidate the actions which have been addressed to date, take them a step further where possible and provide a longer term vision for eHealth in Europe, in the context the EU 2020 Strategy, the Digital Agenda for Europe as well as Innovation Union and its associated European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.

Consultation deadline: May 25, 2011.

The questionnaire forms part of the European Commission's official public consultation process. Wide consultation is one of the Commission’s duties according to the Treaties and helps to ensure that proposals put to the legislature are sound. By fulfilling its duty to consult, the Commission ensures that its proposals are technically viable, practically workable and based on a bottom-up approach. This serves a dual purpose by helping to improve the quality of the policy outcome and at the same time enhancing the involvement of interested parties and the public at large. 

The questionnaire is open to all interested stakeholders and aims at understanding if the proposed policy objectives are in line with the aims, objectives and expectations of stakeholders. It further aims to examine if there are additional areas which require further development in the context of the action plan (

Additional Information

See also: Link to the online questionnaire - eHealth Action Plan (eHAP) 2012-2020


Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on May 20, 2011
Modified on April 6, 2011