News archive - EIB University Research Sponsorship Programme

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has published a call for proposals for its EIBURS (EIB University Research Sponsorship) programme. EIBURS provides grants to University Research Centres working on research topics and themes of major interest to the bank. EIB sponsorships, of up to EUR 100,000 annually for a period of three years, are awarded through a competitive process to interested university departments or research centres, associated with universities of Member States, Accession or Acceding Countries, with recognised expertise in EIB-selected areas. The sponsorship aims to expand their activities in these areas. Deadlines for the presentation of proposals are usually in September (September 30, 2009; September 10, 2010). Please check on the website for updates.

A EIBURS sponsorship will entitle the beneficiary (the EIBURS Centre) to obtain up to 100 000 euros/year, for a period of three years, in exchange for the commitment to develop additional activities to those normally carried out by the centre. These activities will be jointly agreed and will entail the delivery of a variety of outputs (research, education, networking, dissemination of results, etc.) that will be the subject of a contractual agreement with the Bank.



The first lines of research supported for the 2006-2009 period and the recipient Universities were the following:


For the 2007-2010 period, the selected lines of research and the recipient Universities were the following:

For the 2008-2011 period, the selected lines of research and recipient universities were the following:

For the 2009-2012 period, the selected lines of research are the following:

The call for proposals was launched on the 3rd of July of 2009. The deadline for the presentation of proposals was the 30th of September 2009.

For the 2009-2012 period, the EIBURS programme has selected a third line of research:

The call for proposals was launched on 13 October 2009. The deadline for presentation of proposals was 30 November 2009.

For the 2010-2013 period, the selected lines of research are the following:

The deadline for presentation of proposals was 10 September 2010.

For further information / Source:


Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Related organisations

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 10, 2010
Modified on July 10, 2009