News archive - Spain Takes Over EU Council Presidency - Focus on Innovation and Equality
With the start of its six-month Presidency of the Council of the EU on January 1, Spain has particularly pledged to drive forward the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). As Science and Innovation Minister Cristina Garmendia explains, innovation and equality will be at the heart of the Spanish Presidency programme. Promoting the construction of the ERA is key to the success of this programme, she underlines.
'It is only by having a common shared space for knowledge, the ERA, in which scientists and ideas can move freely, that research and innovation will be able to act as engines for economic and social progress over the coming decades,' she writes. 'For this reason, they should be at the heart of European Union policies.'
Three axes to drive the ERA
Spain has identified three 'axes' to drive the ERA forward: integration, involvement and inclusion.
The integration axis refers to the importance of integrating research and development (R&D) policies into other policies - and specifically into the EU's strategy for 2020.
Through the involvement axis, Spain will seek to ensure that all instruments supporting R&D and innovation in Europe, whether they are regional, national or pan-European in nature, address the 'major challenges' faced by society today. These include climate change, the search for new sources of energy, ageing and disease, and globalisation.
Finally, the inclusion axis focuses on the role science and innovation can play in promoting social cohesion and tackling poverty and exclusion. Writing on CORDIS, the Spanish Presidency explains that 'Europe has the duty and the opportunity to lead the battle against inequality and to put science and technology to use in this fight'.
18 month Work Programme for Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian Council Precidencies
Spain will head up the EU Council for the first half of 2010, before handing over the reins to Belgium on 1 July. Together with Hungary, which will hold the presidency in the first half of 2011, Spain and Belgium have put together an 18-month work programme. In it, they promise to 'take full account of the importance of research and development and innovation in the renewal of the post-2010 Lisbon Strategy'.
In addition to the creation and governance of the ERA, priorities identified by the trio include the analysis of the mid-term review of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the implementation of joint programming. In particular, the presidencies are keen to emphasise the importance of the regional dimension of innovation and research policies. They also highlight the importance of making research careers more attractive and attracting the world's best brains to Europe.
The three nations pledge to closely follow the creation of the first knowledge and innovation communities (KICs) under the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). Finally, they say they will 'closely monitor' progress on the development of the pan-European research infrastructures identified by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).
For more information, please visit:
Website of the Spanish Council Presidency: www.eu2010.esSpanish
Council Presidency pages on CORDIS:
Work programme of Spain, Belgium and Hungary:
PDF programme and presidentation:
Sources: CORDIS;
- Europe
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on January 11, 2010
Modified on January 11, 2010