News archive - New National CORDIS Services for the WBCs

CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service, has launched ten new national services on its web portal. All Western Balkan countries are now represented with their own site.

The national services provide information on the national RTD policies, research-related news, a project search, addresses of NCPs and partner search requests.

To spread your RTD news across the European research communities, feel free to send any important information about your R&D projects, results and events to CORDIS at as currently the information level is still poor.

Other ways to interact with CORDIS include the possibility to send your press releases, to register as an expert (to be selected for future proposal evaluation), partner search or to publish research results.

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on October 23, 2009
Modified on October 23, 2009