News archive - Serbia Accepted into the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe

Serbia became the second country in Eastern Europea, after Poland, to become full member of the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE), announced Božidar Đelić, Vice-President of the Government in charge of European Integrations and Minister of Science and Technology.

Đelić added that this was a great day for Serbian science and computing, sending a strong message to Serbia software experts that the country is serious about joining the super-computing revolution of the 21st Century, greatly contributing to the national computer infrastructure.

He expressed, on the behalf of the Government, the gratitude to Spain, the hosting country of the PRACE centre, for the assistance it offered to Serbia in the process of joining the Partnership.

In Đelić`s view, Serbia will be involved in the major `Blue Danube` project over the next seven year, securing three million EUR for its implementation from the national budget, while the rest will be secured from EU funds.

He expressed his expectation that the PRACE membership will assist Serbia to confirm its capacity to become regional centre on climate changes, as proposed on last year`s Europe for the Environment Conference.

Dragan Popović, Director of the National Institute of Physics, explained that the national super-computing initiative will be applied in the fields of infrastructure, ICT technology development, human resources, reversing brain-drain, industry, simulation works and other areas.


Source: SEE Portal

For further information:

About PRACE: The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) prepares the creation of a persistent pan-European HPC service, consisting of several tier-0 centres providing European researchers with access to capability computers and forming the top level of the European HPC ecosystem. PRACE is a project funded in part by the EU’s 7th Framework Programme. The PRACE project receives funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° RI-211528.

The following countries collaborate in PRACE: Germany (project coordinator), Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.


Entry created by Elke Dall on November 15, 2008
Modified on November 27, 2008