News archive - Find researchers from the Western Balkans for your projects - online directory updated

The ERA WestBalkan+ project informs about the updated Westbalkan Research Directory. The West Balkan Research Directory is an interactive, online partnering tool for academic institutions, research centres and companies active in research and development in West Balkan Countries which contains more than 900 R&D profiles for potential strategic partnerships and international R&D cooperation.

Users of the database can run searches by all themes of activities defined within the 7th EU-Framework Programme (FP7), by organisation type and by geographical region for fast, simple and successful identification of potential R&D partners.

The database has now been modernized with a new design and advanced options for more detailed user classifications.

This database can also be linked to your websites as a valuable tool for finding experts from the Western Balkan region, suitable for projects in the 7th Framework Programme.


WestBalkan Research Directory

Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Related users

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 6, 2008
Modified on November 6, 2008