News archive - Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials Calls for Abstracts

The Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials would like to invite researchers to submit abstracts the scientific conferences and symposia that are organised under the administrative leadership of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials, Melbourne, Australia. A panel of internationally recognised scholars provides general supervision on the quality of the submitted manuscripts. The deadline for abstracts submission is 28.02.2010. All manuscripts will be peer reviewed.

There are two conferences and one symposium scheduled for the next six months:

2010 International Conference on Apparel Manufacturing
02-04 June, 2010
Varna, Bulgaria
Conference Chair: Prof Ryspek Usubamatov, School of Manufacturing Engineering, University Malaysia Perlis (UNIMAP), Malaysia (E-mail: or
Early Birds Registration ends: 28.02.2010

2010 International Conference on High Energetic Materials and Dynamics of Ultrafast Reactive Systems
16-18 June, 2010
Varna, Bulgaria
Conference Chair: Dr. Alexander N. Lukin, Executive Director of the Western-Caucasus Research Center, Tuapse, Russian Federation (E-mail:
Early Birds Registration ends: 28.02.2010

2010 Scientific Symposium on Socio-Economic Impact of Natural Climate Change
12-14 July, 2010
Torquay, Victoria, Australia
Symposium Chair: Prof A. Jagadeesh, Head of the Centre for Energy and Sustainable Resources, R.M.K.Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India (E-mail:

More information about topics, programs, important dates, visas and travel information, registration and notes for authors can found on the official web-site of the Institute:

Authors are strongly advised to secure a placement in the conference or symposium early, as the total number of participants is limited.

Source: Dr V. Stamatov, Director of the Australian Institute of High Energetic Materials

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on February 4, 2010
Modified on February 10, 2010