News archive - Center for Project Management in Republic of Srpska Successful

In December 2007, a project called “Development of capacities of science and research in higher educational institutions in the Republic of Srpska (RS) for participation in international programmes (Centre for Project Management (CPM)” was started in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The initial objective was to establish project management for an international scientific and technical co-operation that would provide direct support to the sectors of education and science and technology (S&T) in the EU integration process. Furthermore, the CPM’s aim was to extend capacities and resources for the participation in international projects related to science, research and higher education. To this end, an office was established in Banja Luka within the Ministry of Science and Technology of the RS. The website provides information related to the project’s realisation, as well as supportive information on the work of the CPM. The CPM team also organised info-days on FP7 and TEMPUS programmes all over the Republic of Srpska, attended by over 200 participants from more than 54 companies, institutes, and academic and non-academic institutions. The CPM team assisted numerous interested candidates in the registration process at the CORDIS database. Also, the CPM team is having regular everyday contacts with all people interested in participating in EU programmes. They are providing information, advice and assistance in the preparation of applications (mostly for TEMPUS), in finding suitable partners for projects (over CORDIS and individually), and in training for the most important elements of project proposals (including budget preparation, financial rules of FP7, etc). The CPM managed to promote universities in the Republic of Srpska to partners in the EU. Links established through the CPM resulted in new TEMPUS projects and participation in FP7 projects. Moreover, the CPM team assisted two institutions in the preparation of FP7 projects that were approved. Two further projects are waiting for approval. It is expected that the direct benefit of CPM work will exceed 2 million euro within one year.
Those positive results signalize the further existence of the CPM after 2008.

Center for Project Management

Entry created by Elke Dall on April 30, 2008
Modified on May 4, 2008