News archive - [Event Announcement] European Gender Summit


About the first European Gender Summit

Knowledge and innovation are key drivers for sustainable growth and prosperity in Europe. Extensive research has demonstrated that the quality of research and development benefits significantly from adding gender as a critical success factor. The first European Gender Summit will network key players from all sectors to initiate the much-needed changes in the culture of research and innovation. Joint discussions will produce the first ever collective agreement on policy development on gender for innovation, the policy manifesto on "Integrated Action on the Gender Dimension in Research."

The European Gender Summit is held under the auspices of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and is supported by the European Commission through the Science and Society Programme (FP7). The event is supported by a range of high-level partners and patrons from different sectors and backgrounds (see the list of Patrons and Partners).
The European Gender Summit is organised jointly by genSET - gender in science, the European Science Foundation and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (more information on the Convenors).

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Source: Email by Dr Elizabeth Pollitzer (Director, Portia Ltd (genSET lead and coordinating partner)

From: 8 November 2011
To: 9 November 2011

Geographical focus
  • Europe

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on November 7, 2011
Modified on September 28, 2011