News archive - 'LEARN BALKAN' at the University of Vienna

For those who always wanted to "LEARN BALKAN!" and prove their knowledge with an MA degree, the University of Vienna offers an Interdisciplinary Balkan Studies training programme (2009-2011) in cooperation with the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe.

The four semester postgraduate programme (starting in OCtober 2009) is a career-oriented training on a scientific basis with strong reference to contemporary issues. It contains a multidisciplinary approach in five modules: Balkan History; Sociology/Civil
Society; Politics and International Relationships; Economic, Social, and Environmental Politics and the Legal Framework in Southeastern Europe. Languages of instruction are German and English, the tuition fee for the whole program is € 5.000,- (€ 1250,- per semester).

Further information as well as contact details are available in the attached file.


Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 3, 2009
Modified on July 8, 2009