News archive - The Future of Transport: Challenges and Opportunities
Policy makers, company stakeholders, academics and representatives of Member States, European Institutions and NGOs have gathered in Brussels on March 9-10 to contribute their vision of the "Future of Transport" at a major conference under the auspices of the European Commission.
Speakers included the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism, Paolo Costa, and the Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Transport, Antonio Tajani. Commissioner Tajani highlighted the role of the freedom of movement, in particular with regard to the White Paper on ‛European Transport Policy for 2010’...
In 2001, the Commission issued a White Paper setting an agenda for the European transport policy throughout 2010. Approaching the end of the ten-year period, it is time to look further ahead and define a vision for the future of transport and mobility, preparing the ground for later policy developments.
The Commission therfor intends to launch a debate on the main challenges and opportunities for the transport sector in the long term (20 to 40 years). The aim is to produce a Communication on the Future on Transport, to be adopted by the Commission in June 2009.
Sources:, as accessed on March 17, 2009.
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 17, 2009
Modified on March 17, 2009