News archive - Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute announces Public Call for Young Researchers
The Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute has announced a public Call for Young Researchers. Since the 1985, the young researcher programme has been one of the instruments of the scientific policy of the Slovenian Research Agency for the stimulation of the development of human resources.
Graduate students from WBC countries are most welcome.
Successful applicants will be involved in basic research projects or applied research and development projects and will be employed by the Institute. The funds for their salary, their expenses, the material and non-material costs for their research work and the cost of the postgraduate course are covered by the Slovenian Research Agency.
For further information, please see:, as accessed on July 24, 2009.
- International; Other
Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on July 24, 2009
Modified on July 24, 2009